One Lovely Blog Award

lovely-blog-award-logoI would like to offer my thanks to Anna Marple for her kind addition of the One Lovely Blog Award to this shardy’s accolades. Thank you for brightening the blogosphere and for inviting me along on your journey. Given that I have been away for quite a while, it is both an honour and a delight to be welcomed back with such warmth. While I feel undeserving of the spotlight, I will always aim to make your visits worthwhile.


Now for the award. Here are the guidelines for the One Lovely Blog Award:

  • You must thank the person who nominated you for the award;
  • you must add the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your post, your blog or both;
  • you must share 7 facts about yourself;
  • and lastly, you must nominate 15 bloggers who you admire and consider “lovely.” Let the nominees know they have been nominated by commenting on their blogs.

7 Facts about yours truly:

1. I have Mad Hatter eyes. What are those, you may ask? Take a peek at Jonny Depp’s impersonation of that character and you won’t be very far from the truth.

2. As a child I got some first-hand experience in the tobacco industry: those nimble little fingers came in handy when sewing leaves onto threads, ready to be dried.

3. To this day, I have lived in, visited or travelled around 30 countries in addition to the one where I was born.

4. At the moment I am in the US, engaged and befuddled by all things American.

5. I love theatre and have even tried my leg as an extra in a West End production (leg still intact and going strong).

6. The old and war make me melancholy. Put the two together and I am bound to tear up.

7. My blog will be celebrating its first year anniversary in a couple of days’ time. Where has the time flown?!  

My nominees for One Lovely Blog Award

(If you are not amongst their number, it is not because I do not think your blog equally lovely. It is always difficult to choose and I hope to add you to my next list of awards – I have quite a few to add to their number)

Congratulaltions to:

Is it just me? for important trivia, well crafted stories and excellent conversation.

Sugar-coating since ’91 for life experience and snippets of inspiring art.

psychologistmimi for food, road trips and everything else that travel can gift.

Ivy Mosquito | Liberating My Creative Soul for a slice of peace, nature, photography, crafts… Need I say more?

Musing Off the Mat to regain your sense of wonder and love of simplicity.

Traversing Lines for a commuter’s haven.

The Bohemian Rock Star’s “Untitled Project” for literary fiction and photography.

It Goes On for insights on mental health and how to keep one step ahead of the darkness.

Icezine for a meeting of English and French curiosities: dream-think-protect-live.

Business over Coffee (newly arrived) visit for a cup of coffee and words for thought.

Find Your Passion for a little inspiration and a lift.

SoulFood for recipes and life lessons.

A Bowl of Cherries for a survivor’s tale and bright photography.

From Hiding to Blogging for a journey into Xi’an and essays on the essence of life.

A glimpse of paradise for a photographer’s view of the enchanting.


With warm regards,


8 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Congratulations on your “One Lovely Blog Award!”
    I especially love your seven facts…well chosen and intriguing.
    Thank you for looking at my blog and your funny comment.
    Great blog names you’ve nominated. Thanks for recommending them. I’ll check them out.

    • Thank you, Elisabeth. Those seven facts gave me some trouble to begin with, but I got there in the end. Hope you enjoy visiting the blogs I nominated: they are an eclectic mix.
      Wishing you a lovely day ahead.

  2. Thank you for my nomination, Vic! *blushing with undeserved pleasure*

    I enjoyed reading about you Vic in your 7 points! *off to Google Johnny Depp Mad Hatter eyes*

    What an interesting and eclectic range of blogs! *off to check out said blogs*


    • Well deserved, Lee-Anne. I’ve done something different this time around with my nominations and the majority of blogs on my list are relatively new to me. I think it is difficult not to return to the same blogs over and over again when it comes to giving out awards as well as when it comes to blogposts, so I decided to get myself out of my comfort zone. Took longer to write my post, but I hope it’s worth it.

  3. Pingback: “No I’m not lucky I’m blessed, YES!” | Ivy Mosquito | Liberating My Creative Soul

      • I would buy them tomorrow if I were you 😉
        Thanks, that made me smile (and I’m having a headache) People like you, other bloggers, lovely comments and feedback is something I really haven’t had in mind when I opened this blog. Amazing 🙂

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